research group
PD Dr. A. Hüttel
research group
Prof. C. Strunk

personal homepage
General remarks
- 17.11.-10.12.2020; tuesday 14:00 EET / 13:00 CET (s.t.) and thursday 16:00 EET / 15:00 CET (s.t.)
- Fully online via Zoom; if interested please contact me for the access data
- Click here for the slides.
- Lecture on 26.11. cancelled because of the QTF-SAB meeting
Lecture outline
- Introduction
- About Regensburg and me
- Introducing carbon
- Carbon nanotubes: Discovery and applications
- Graphene: Discovery and applications
- Quantum transport, a quick overview
- Carbon nanotubes (I)
- Carbon nanotube growth techniques
- From graphene to a nanotube: zone folding and curvature
- Measuring simple nanotube devices
- Quantum dots and level spectroscopy
- (More or less) single particle physics
- Carbon nanotubes (II)
- Cotunneling
- Kondo effect
- Luttinger liquid and Wigner crystal
- Fabry-Perot interference
- Carbon nanotubes (III)
- Puzzles, challenges, ongoing research
- Vibration modes
- Classical beam mechanics
- Detecting transversal vibration at room temperature
- Detecting transversal vibration via Coulomb blockade
- Carbon nanotubes (IV)
- Mixing, noise, dissipation
- Coherent self-oscillations
- Longitudinal vibration and the Franck-Condon effect
- Radial breathing mode in transport
- Graphene (I)
- Synthesis / growth / fabrication
- Dispersion relation, DOS, Klein tunneling
- Landau levels, quantum Hall effect
- Nanodevices and quantum dots
- Bilayer graphene
- Twisted bilayer graphene