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research group
prof. C. Strunk
research group
prof. D. Weiss

research projects
nano-electromechanics of the transversal carbon nanotube vibration
Nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) are nanostructures which combine transport of electrical charge
with mechanical motion. They often take the shape of suspended nano-scale beams, either
 attached (clamped) to the chip substrate on one or on both ends.
Top-down lithographic fabrication of beam resonators from metals or semiconductor materials as e.g.
GaAs or silicon has led to resonator frequencies in the MHz regime. However, miniaturization has been
accompanied with high dissipation losses - due to e.g. surface, clamping, or intrinsic friction effects.
Single-wall carbon nanotubes can also be used as nanomechanical resonators, as e.g. a vibrating violin string [1-5].
Since the nanotubes are very light and mechanically very strong at the same time, they
vibrate at very high frequencies (typically the fundamental resonance mode reaches ca. 100-400 MHz).
The vibrational energy quantum then exceeds kBT in our millikelvin measurement setup.
In addition, the low mass leads to comparatively large quantum effects. For example, even if the nanotube is
in its ground state of motion, i.e. at lowermost kinetical
energy, one expects a zero point position fluctuation of approximately 1pm.
In order to be able to control and manipulate the nanotube vibration, we have built up techniques
to couple suspended nanotube quantum dots to superconducting coplanar microwave resonators [6-9].
With that, we have been able to demonstrate optomechanical coupling of the microwave field and
the vibration, strongly enhanced by the quantization of the electric charge [9].
Now, we intend to build on these results and extend them, making CNTs a unique system
where single electron tunneling, discrete well-defined electronic states, and microwave opto-
mechanics coherently interact. The quantum dot – microwave cavity combination is a highly versatile
tool with large potential for further improvement, as truly quantum-mechanical NEMS system and
"switchboard" for quantum information.
transition metal dichalcogenide nanotubes as semiconductors and superconductors

Research on the quantum properties of quasi-two dimensional, planar transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs)
has already attracted huge attention worldwide. However, even though their first synthesis was already nearly
30 years ago [10, 11], not much is known on the transport properties of
TMDC nanotubes yet. First works from Japan [12, 13] show highly promising results on
intrinsic superconductivity of the nanotubes at strong ionic doping, and we have recently published first
data on the nanotubes as quantum dots [14].
Here, we will investigate semiconducting and superconducting properties of different nanotube materials,
starting with MoS2. This means on the one hand the transport spectroscopy of discrete quantum
states, on the other hand the properties of the nanotube as quasi-one dimensional, tubular superconductor.
Since strong spin-orbit interaction is known to be present in TMDCs, this opens up exciting perspectives
towards topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes, as are already investigated in other one-dimensional
material systems.
structure and low-energy quantum states of ultraclean carbon

Over the past years we have collected a lot of experience with highly clean
carbon nanotube devices, where the macromolecule is grown after all other
fabrication steps are complete [15]. Here, the quantum mechanical properties of
electrons in a potential well within the nanotube become clearly visible, and
the interaction between molecular structure, i.e. nanotube chirality, and
low-energy excitations of the electronic system, i.e., the transport spectrum,
can be researched [16-18]. While this is not the main focus of the group
anymore, it provides a fascinating research topic where many fundamental
questions still need to be solved.
A particularly interesting approach is here to conduct transport measurements
on ultraclean nanotubes of known chirality, something that has been
attempted in the past but only yielded limited results so far.

The department for physics of micro- and nanostructures runs a nanofabrication
and characterization facility. In this cleanroom and in additional lab space we
have access to a wide spectrum of equipment. This ranges e.g. on the
fabrication side from optical and electron beam lithography to dry etching and
wire bonding. In addition, we collaborate with the OTH Regensburg, where
further nanofabrication is possible.
Concerning low-temperature measurement setups, we have a
3He/4He dilution refrigerator capable of reaching a
steady-state temperature of 8mK, and electronic measurement equipment ranging
from low-noise dc amplifiers all the way to 20GHz vector network analyzers. In
addition, we closely collaborate with the group Prof. C. Strunk, where several
more low temperature setups exist. With the recent installation of a new helium
liquefier at the department, optimal conditions for future extension of our
low-temperature activities exist.
literature links
V. Sazonova, Y. Yaish, H. Ustunel, D. Roundy, T. A. Arias, and P. L. McEuen,
431, 284 (2004)
B. Witkamp, M. Poot, and H. S. J. van der Zant,
Nano Letters
6, 2904 (2006)
A. K. Hüttel, G. A. Steele, B. Witkamp, M. Poot, L. P. Kouwenhoven, and H.
S. J. van der Zant,
Nano Letters
9, 2547 (2009)
(PDF, supplementary
G. A. Steele, A. K. Hüttel, B. Witkamp, M. Poot, H. B. Meerwaldt, L. P.
Kouwenhoven, and H. S. J. van der Zant,
325, 1103 (2009) (PDF,
supplementary information)
K. J. G. Götz, S. Blien, P. L. Stiller, O. Vavra, T. Mayer, T. Huber, T. N. G.
Meier, M. Kronseder, Ch. Strunk, and A. K. Hüttel,
Nanotechnology 27, 135202 (2016) (PDF)
S. Blien, K. J. G. Götz, P. L. Stiller, T. Mayer, T. Huber, O. Vavra, and A. K.
Status Solidi B 253, 2385 (2016) (PDF)
S. Blien, P. Steger, A. Albang, N. Paradiso, and A. K. Hüttel,
Physica Status
Solidi B 255, 1800118 (2018) (PDF)
S. Blien, P. Steger, N. Hüttner, R. Graaf, and A. K. Hüttel,
Communications 11, 1636 (2020) (PDF)
R. Tenne, L. Margulis, M. Genut, and G. Hodes,
Nature 360,
444 (1992)
M. Remskar, A. Mrzel, Z. Skraba, A. Jesih, M. Ceh, J. Demsar, P. Stadelmann, F.
Levy, and D. Mihailovic,
292, 479 (2001)
F. Qin, W. Shi, T. Ideue, M. Yoshida, A. Zak, R. Tenne, T. Kikitsu, D. Inoue, D.
Hashizume, and Y. Iwasa,
Communications 8, 14465 (2017)
F. Qin, T. Ideue, W. Shi, X.-X. Zhang, M. Yoshida, A. Zak, R. Tenne, T. Kikitsu,
D. Inoue, D. Hashizume, and Y. Iwasa,
Letters 18, 6789 (2018)
S. Reinhardt, L. Pirker, C. Bäuml, M. Remskar, and A. K. Hüttel,
Physica Status
Solidi RRL 13, 1900251 (2019) (PDF)
J. Cao, Q. Wang, and H. Dai, Nature Materials 4, 745 (2005)
A. Dirnaichner, M. del Valle, K. J. G. Götz, F. J. Schupp, N. Paradiso, M.
Grifoni, Ch. Strunk, and A. K. Hüttel,
Physical Review Letters 117, 166804 (2016)
M. Marganska, D. R. Schmid, A. Dirnaichner, P. L. Stiller, Ch. Strunk, M.
Grifoni, and A. K. Hüttel,
Physical Review Letters 122, 086802
(2019) (PDF)
P. L. Stiller, A. Dirnaichner, D. R. Schmid, and A. K. Hüttel,
submitted for publication,
arXiv:1812.02657 (2018) (PDF)